Economic Cooperation by the Government of Japan to Malawi
Development Cooperation for Malawi
Malawi addresses development with a goal of getting out of the status as the least developed country. Based on priority areas shown in the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS) 3, economic growth of the country as well as securing of people’s access to basic services are essential. Accordingly, Japan supports Malawi’s efforts to reduce poverty, by providing assistance especially to agriculture, in which 80% of the population is engaged; the miningindustry, which is expected to be developed; the development of infrastructure which supports the above industries; and basic social services industry concerning education, water, etc
Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Project
In 1989, the Government of Japan introduced Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) in order to respond to the diverse development needs in developing countries. The aim of GGP is to provide financial assistance to non-profit development organizations for implementing projects at community level.
Since the introduction of this project to Malawi in 1995, close to 120 projects have already been supported. Under this program, important social facilities including schools, health centres, boreholes, or training facilities have been introduced to local communities.
Since the introduction of this project to Malawi in 1995, close to 120 projects have already been supported. Under this program, important social facilities including schools, health centres, boreholes, or training facilities have been introduced to local communities.
1 Eligibility
Non-profit organization working for socio economic development such as;
*The organization must exist at least more than two years at the time of application. (GGP requests the organization to submit the copy of certificate)
* Individuals and profit-making institutions are not eligible to apply.
2 What GGP funds
*GGP cannot fund:
3 Amount of funding
The maximum amount of GGP for one project is JPY 10,000,000 (around USD 64,000 as of April 2024).
4 How to apply
Download the Application Forms below.
GGP Appication Form
Fill in the necessary information requested in the application (failure to provide necessary information may automatically disqualify the application). Applications can be submitted in person, by post or through email.
Embassy of Japan
P.O. Box 30780 Lilongwe3, Malawi
Location: Plot No. 14/191, Petroda Glass House Lilongwe 3
In order to prevent fraud and corruption in Official Development Assistance(ODA), we provide a consullation service for information relatedb to fraud and corruption in Japan's ODA projects in Malawi. Please click here for further information.
Non-profit organization working for socio economic development such as;
- Educational Institutions
- Medical Institutions
- Community-Based Organizations
- Local & International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
- Local Governments
*The organization must exist at least more than two years at the time of application. (GGP requests the organization to submit the copy of certificate)
* Individuals and profit-making institutions are not eligible to apply.
2 What GGP funds
- Construction / Renovation of buildings or infrastructure
- Procurement of Equipment / Furniture
*GGP cannot fund:
- Operational / administrative costs
- General financial assistance
- Land purchase, rent, school fees, travel expenses, staff salaries
- Consumable / disposable goods (e.g. food, stationary, seeds, livestock)
3 Amount of funding
The maximum amount of GGP for one project is JPY 10,000,000 (around USD 64,000 as of April 2024).
4 How to apply
Download the Application Forms below.
GGP Appication Form
Fill in the necessary information requested in the application (failure to provide necessary information may automatically disqualify the application). Applications can be submitted in person, by post or through email.
Embassy of Japan
P.O. Box 30780 Lilongwe3, Malawi
Location: Plot No. 14/191, Petroda Glass House Lilongwe 3
In order to prevent fraud and corruption in Official Development Assistance(ODA), we provide a consullation service for information relatedb to fraud and corruption in Japan's ODA projects in Malawi. Please click here for further information.