Emperor's Birthday Reception
November 8, 2016
On November 8, 2016, the Embassy of Japan celebrated the 83rd Birthday of His Majesty Emperor Akihito of Japan at the Ambassador's Official Residence. In his remarks, Ambassador Nishioka reflected on the setbacks to Malaw's social-economic development including the El Nino drought but he commended the Malawi Goverment for taking austerity measures. The Ambassador also hailed the success of the 6th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD VI) and mentioned few of the notable development projects which Japan conducted in Malawi. Ambassador also bid farewell since he has completed his tour of duty and conveyed a farewell message to Malawi. The event was graced by the Gust of Honour, Hon. Francis Kasaila, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and attended by many guests incluidng Cabinet Ministers, Government Officials, Heads of Diplomatic Missions, and leaders of private sector companies. The event was spiced with the Sake Opening Ceremony, and Japanese food such as sushi, tempura, and yakitori.